Sunday, November 12, 2017

794: Feral Children

It is 8:13pm.

I just finished watching a documentary with Levi about Feral Children and it was really interesting. They spoke about children possibly being raised in the jungle with wolves and monkeys, but they also spoke about Rudyard Kipling and how his upbringing inspired him to write The Jungle Book.

They talked about how his first six years of childhood were the best years of Kipling's life. In those six years he spent the majority of this time with his "domestic servants" in India learning about the animals and different cultures. After that he was sent away to boarding school--which seemed to be a pretty big blow. He later got married and had his own daughter Josephine, for whom he began writing The Jungle Book. Sadly Josephine never got to read the story, because at age 6 she passed away from Pneumonia. His colleagues all agreed that after her death, he was never really the same.

I never really paid attention to how many people have lived with Child Loss before. However since Elijah's passing, it seems to be everywhere I turn. It is a terrible tragedy that I wish I could take away from each person who ever had to experience it, and could prevent so no one had to experience it again.

"I always prefer to believe the best of everybody, it saves so much trouble." ~Rudyard Kipling.

Tomorrow we will be ordering Elijah's Little Library!!! I am so excited you guys. It is a kit, that we have to build, but it comes with the National registration and even with some brand new books to start us off strong! The only thing it doesn't come with is the post, and the paint. But I think we can swing that. Now, just to figure out how to paint it!

I haven't got around to making the Facebook page yet (I just counted the money). I will try to get it up this week and plan an opening ceremony. I will of course, keep all of you posted.

Thank you so much to all of you who have supported us in this amazing gift to our community inspired by Elijah.

Alright, time to go take my bath and get ready for bed. Tomorrow is a new day. Sending you all lots and lots of love! Go out there and change the world.

Keep praying for our world. Pray for our Earth. Pray for our families. Pray for our children. Pray for our animals. Pray for peace. Pray for love. Pray for hope. Pray for joy! Pray for you. Pray for me! And always always pray for my sweet sweet Elijah.

Thank you,

How beautiful is it that your love has brought such a change to the world--
to my world.
You are the reason for so many great things in my life Elijah
and I am so very thankful for you.
Love and miss you my boogie.

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