Wednesday, November 15, 2017

797: MRI Results

It is 8:02pm

I feel like I should have something "wise" to share under this picture of the owl I drew today...

"The highest form of wisdom is kindness."
-The Talmud 

There you go! Wisdom shared. Thank you owl ;)

Alright, today I went to my MRI and Nerve Conduction Test follow up with my Orthopedic Specialist. I went in thinking that since I have been feeling really good lately that everything was going to be good and I was in the clear. The doctor walked in and said that my nerve test looked great, but then he quickly followed that up by telling my MRI did not look good.

It turns out I have a slipped disk, some bone spurs, and arthritis all in my neck. Fun times.

I have NOW been referred to a Neurosurgeon, but it will probably be two to four months before I will even get to see them.

I am trying to stay positive about the whole thing, because I really do feel good most of the time. The little bit of pain I have is manageable, and I only get the tingles every now and then.

The doctor said it is not a bad surgery, they go in from the front of the neck and it would be outpatient, so I would probably be in and out with just a one night stay. But I will have to probably wear a neck brace for 6 weeks after that...

I'm not terrified of the surgery (okay, I kind of am lol), but I think that it hit me harder emotionally than I thought it would today because I have been feeling so much better and truly thought I was at the end of all of this.

But there is really no need to mope over it, it will be a while before I even meet with a surgeon--and maybe even longer before I need the surgery. In the mean time I will just breathe and take it just like I take everything else, one breath at a time.

Now it is time to prepare for Christmas Festival in just a few weeks and hope for good weather and a succesfull day of sales!

So yeah---send love for all of the above lol.

Sending love right back to you! Live your dreams. Take chances. You are amazing. I mean that.

AND keep praying for our world. Pray for our Earth. Pray for our families. Pray for our children. Pray for hope. Pray for joy. Pray for peace. Pray for love. Pray for you! Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

I ordered some cute little earrings to sale 
at The Christmas Festival this year.
It was a great deal and I couldn't pass it up...
but that doesn't mean it isn't hard to sometimes take a chance lol.
But I found some sunflowers and little keys with hearts,
dragonflies and angels...
and all of these things made me think of you
and suddenly I felt better.
I love and miss you so so much Elijah.

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