Thursday, November 16, 2017

798: Children's Grief Day

It is 11:32am.

The kids are working on their learning, and I just learned that today is Children's Grief Day.

For whatever reason, this made me think of this horrible story from when I was younger.

I was at cheerleading class and one of the girls had just got back from a summer away camp. She told us about how her dad (who is a prominent figure in our town), wrote her a letter while she was away saying that her dog had died. I think he said something about the dog jumping into a pool and drowning--I can't remember. Whatever it was it was, it was traumatic. She talked about being really upset AND THEN, she finds out her dad made up the whole thing and the dog was fine.

I'm not trying to compare the death of a dog to the death of a human here, but the truth is grief can come from circumstances that don't even involve death. Grief can be brutal, and I cannot and will not ever understand how a PARENT could want their kids to grieve over the loss of a beloved pet as a joke.


Many children face grief on a daily basis, and are often too young to process these emotions and know what to do with them....

Hell, I don't even know what to do with my emotions half of the time.

If you know someone who has lost a family member recently and their are children in the home, give the children a break by giving the adults a break. Or take the kids out to do something fun while the parents rest and grief on their own time.

Talk about the person they are missing. I have never understood why people think we just need to erase the dead from our lives. If they mattered while they were living, they still matter while we are living. It is our job to keep their story alive, we need your help.

Most of all, don't forget that children have feelings and emotions too, and these need to be address for them to move forward in their lives.

(P.S. Don't be a jerk. It is NEVER okay to joke with ANYONE about losing a loved one. EVER. Even if you just "made it up." Just don't....)

Children and Grief

No Child Should Ever Grieve Alone

Alright everyone, time to go fix the kids some lunch and get them to the library. I am in a lot of pain today so send some love and prayers please. Thank you!

Today pray for the children of the world who are grieving. Send them your love and care. They need it.

Your brothers love and miss you Elijah.
You are a part of our family.

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