Sunday, December 3, 2017

815: Worry vs Care

It is 3:58pm.

A couple of days ago I read a post on Facebook that really made me, umm, passionate lol.

Someone was upset about the way a vote in the White House was going (rightfully so). They were upset how poor people were being treated so they decided to make a "funny" post saying they were going to ditch their diet that day and eat more because they needed that comfort meal. Another person responded that they felt equally disappointed so they went shopping to get some "retail therapy." 

OKay--I respect both of these people and I honestly thought it was all in fun, BUT, here is where my thought process went IMMEDIATELY. 

Worry vs. Care.

"Worry is fear-based. It is a projection of negative energy. Caring, on the other hand, is a projection of positive energy. When you care about situations or people, you're hopeful that things will get better. When you worry about them, you're afraid they won't."

Worrying is what causes us to eat extra comfort food or go shopping to make ourselves feel better-- We do this because we feel like the government is failing the poor. We feel hopeless and helpless. We internalize. We fear for the worst and give up hope. The only change this brings is a negative change, and usually to ourselves. 

Caring  would be to take those disappointing feelings about our government and saying, "We can't wait for the government to help the poor." (because we can't...)

We can't wait for a new president or a new vote. We can't put all our hope in someone else fixing our problems. WE have to take action to make change (outside of the political realm)

Caring is saying, "I am going to do something today to help."

Instead of eating an extra snack today, maybe donate some food to a food pantry or donate some money to an organization that helps the homeless. OR maybe you could get some retail therapy by going shopping for some formula, diapers, or wipes for a women's shelter and helping struggling families take care of their children.

If you want to help the poor, THEN HELP THEM!

I'm not saying don't get upset with our government when they get things wrong. GET UPSET! TAKE A STAND! Send letters, make calls, and encourage others to do the same.

But after that, don't sit there and worry--continue to be someone who cares and does something.

Alright, I'll step down from my loving little soap box and send hugs to all of you. I know you guys are changing the world and making a difference.

Alex and I are about to continue our 25 days of giving for Elijah by going shopping for a family in need for Christmas! (If you want to contribute you can at

I am also going to get some cough suppressant so that maybe I can stop hacking up my lungs for a little while--that would be nice.

Keep praying for our world. Pray for our Earth. Pray for our families. Pray for our children. Pray for peace. Pray for love. Pray for hope. Pray with action! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

I love and miss you Elijah.
If I had the resources I would never let another person go hungry again.
And I would feed them all in your memory.
I love and miss you so much.

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