Wednesday, December 20, 2017

832: Sorry Not Sorry (I Love My Life)

It is 8:10pm.

Today I started painting Elijah's Little Library and did some paper decoupage on the top for the roof. I read somewhere decoupage can work outside, so here is hoping lol.

Alex and I are about to bring the library inside the bus so the sealant can dry. There is also more I need to paint. Oh and I have to add names, install the shelf, build a door and put the completed library on a post. I can totally get all this done in two days lol.

Today, on the way home from dropping Levi off in Shreveport, I did a lot of thinking about happiness and how I have really been putting too much stock in what other people think of my life lately. I am so guilty of letting people get under my skin and taking things personally --when I am strong enough to know better. 

I really want to take control of my life in 2018, like for real. But why wait for a new year when I can start now. One thing I am implementing in this "life change," is to follow The Four Agreements more closely.  READ THE WHOLE THING!!!

oh my gosh--if you have not read this book, do it today! Or listen to it on YouTube (for free).

The thing is, if you are a part of my life, I would rather you love me for who I am (honestly)-rather than me pretending to be something I am not. 

Also, I would rather love me for who I am, than to constantly worry if it is good enough for someone else!!

No one has to agree with my thought processes, spirituality, parenting choices, "political" beliefs, or any other life choices me or my husband and children in order to love me. 

However, I am going to ask that if people want to be a part of my life that they treat me, my husband, and my children with respect and compassion. I will no longer tolerate anything less. And I will no longer allow someone's intolerance to steal my happiness. You can choose to be unhappy about my life choices--but that is an unhappiness you will have to face alone. I will no longer let it affect me. 


P.S. This blog is not about anyone, so no one should be taking it personally (see agreement #2). This blog is meant for me. I am telling myself that it is okay to be. It is okay to love who I am and the life I live, and I should not feel like I have to apologize for my choices, ideas, or beliefs. Because I am worthy of happiness and the freedom to make my own choices. <3

Alright people, now that I am feeling empowered, and a bit warm and fuzzy, I am about to start working on some ideas for my next Children's book--it is going to be about a Mardi Gras Puppy Parade. I hope it comes out as cute as it is in my head lol.

Sending you all lots of love and happiness. Remember to stay positive and believe that good things can happen. Don't wait for a new year to make things happen! If the creator of this universe holds infinite powers, and created you using those powers, then there is really nothing that is impossible. Doubt your doubts. Have faith. You are amazing--it is time you start believing it.

I love you all!

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our Earth. Pray for our families. Pray for our children. Pray for hope. Pray for peace. Pray for love. And always alway pray for my sweet sweet Elijah.

Thank you!

Send me some sweet dreams my boogie!
I haven't seen you in a while, 
feel free to visit ;)
I love and miss you so much.

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