Thursday, December 21, 2017

833: Winter Solstice

It is 10:37pm.

Wow. What a day.

The boys and I got up this morning, learned a little bit about Winter Solstice and then packed up a backpack and the dog and went for a beautiful hike.

On our hike we found a bridge that crossed a "ditch" filled with water and we let Winter (the dog) run loose. She had such an amazing time, and so did the kids. I couldn't think of a better way to spend such a beautiful day.

After our hike we came home and Alex and I put in a shelf on Elijah's little library, and I painted just a little bit more on it.

Then the boys and I picked up sticks and made a small bonfire where we "feasted" on hotdogs and smore's.

I am so thankful for such a beautiful day. I am sure I felt Elijah's love today as we wrote his name in the dirt and carved it into some wood. I hope he knows how much we miss him.

Also, I finally got our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree up and some presents wrapped. The boys will be receiving two rather large gifts that they will have to share, but other than that I don't have much wrapped under the tree. I wasn't really worried about it until now lol, but I am trying to remind myself how we are trying to make Christmas more of an experience and less about "stuff." I will find a few small things for them to unwrap at home....markers and creative things...maybe.

Whatever we do, I am so thankful that this Holiday Season has been really beautiful and we have gotten to spend time with people we love doing some pretty amazing things.

Alright, sending you all lots of love! The goal was to have Elijah's library "open" by tomorrow and I still have a lot of work to do.

Follow your dreams. Live your life. Be amazing--what am I talking about? You already ARE amazing :) Believe it!

Keep praying for our world. Pray for our Earth. Pray for our families. Pray for our children. Pray for hope. Pray for love. Pray for peace. And always alway pray for my sweet sweet Elijah.

Thank you!

Yes, I am happy.
There is no denying that.
But I still want you back more than anything in the world.
I love and miss you so so so so much.

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