I just dropped off Levi in Shreveport so he can go back to work. Send him lots of love, good vibes, and prayers that he feels well enough to get through the week. Dental surgery is tough, but right now his work is the only source of income we have, so he has to work or we are in trouble financially. I know how much pressure that can be. I hope to be of help soon. I know my day is coming...I am just in the waiting game.
My eyes are puffy and still a little bloodshot from crying so much last night. But the sunshine is shining on my back in this McDonald's Play Place, and Julien and Gabriel are happy playing, so everything is not so bad.
P.S. We don't eat at McDonald's anymore lol, but we sure enjoy indoor playgrounds...sticking it to the man ;)
P.P.S. Why are there not more indoor playgrounds? I know outdoor play is best, and I love for my kids to go outside-- but sometimes indoor playgrounds are nice to have, especially when you have work to do and wild children!
I need to develop some sort of challenge for our Elijah SM.I.L.E.S. program. Something that will get people excited and want to share. Something to help us spread awareness. Please let me know if you have any ideas.
ALSO, I still really need to find people who are experts in the field of children's mental health, play, building, making, painting, any type of art of music, children's nutrition, etc. To help us make some informative videos for YouTube and to help us give out correct and helpful information on our webpage. So if you are someone who can help or know someone who can help. Please contact me too! You can send an email to elijahsmileschangetheworld@gmail.com
Thank you.
I'm going to make some Facebook posts now and get the kids ready to drive back to Natchitoches. I have lots to do, and tonight I am going to YOGA at the library. I am so excited about this.
Sending you lots of love. Thank you all for your love and support yesterday on such an emotional day.
Go change the world. Do it for Elijah.
Thank you.
Oh sweet boy. I love you so much.
I miss you I miss you I miss you.
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